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Join us for NOVA's Webinar Series "Putting the M21-1 to Use for Veterans: How to Leverage VA’s Internal Guidance to Win More Cases at the Regional Office" Starting in December!

Join us for NOVA's Webinar Series "Putting the M21-1 to Use for Veterans: How to Leverage VA’s Internal Guidance to Win More Cases at the Regional Office" Starting in December!

This series will consist of two pre-recorded sessions you can access before and after the two live sessions.

First session (pre-recorded, release date TBA): What is the M21-1?  In this pre-recorded session, you’ll get a comprehensive overview of the VA’s adjudication procedures manual (the M21-1) relied on by agency adjudicators.  This session will provide an overview of:

  • The role of the M21-1 in the processing, handling, and adjudication of veteran benefit claims.
  • How to electronically access the M21-1.
  • How provisions are organized in the M21-1.
  • How to search and navigate the provisions of the M21-1.
  • How to access prior versions of M21-1 provisions.  

Second session, December 13, 2023: Using the M21-1 to Demystify Adjudication Procedure and Get Things Done

Advocates are always seeking ways to get the VA to listen.  This live course will cover strategies for using and leveraging M21-1 provisions to not only get the VA to course correct when procedural roadblocks arise but also to effectively engage with VA to keep the veteran’s claim on the right track.

Third session, January 11, 2024: Using the M21-1 to Make Your Case Heard

Citing only case law falls flat when presented to VA adjudicators.  Advocates need to make use of case precedents, statutes, and regulations to convey legal standards and requirements relative to the review and adjudication of veteran benefit claims and decision review request.   If you’ve ever wondered how to package complex veterans benefits legal concepts and present them to VA in an authoritative and digestible way, this live session will cover the M21-1 substantive provisions that correlate to legal authorities.   

Fourth session (pre-recorded, release date TBA): Resolving Conflict Between the M21-1 and Other Authorities

What do you do when veterans benefits law statutes, regulations, and case precedents say one thing and the M21-1 says something completely different?  When is the guidance in the M21-1 an impermissible substantive rule and what should advocates do about it?  This pre-recorded session will cover the lifecycle of updates to the M21-1 and explore some modern-day conflicts, with examples of how to resolve them in the veteran’s favor.

For more information and to register, Click HERE!

 November 14, 2023