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NOVA Website Security Enhancements

NOVA Website Security Enhancements

Dear NOVA Members, 

Due to the recent increase in cyber security threats, NOVA staff has worked with SilkStart, our website provider, to strengthen the level of security available for members and to add important new capabilities to secure accounts. The first update was the implementation of a failed password lockout policy that you may have already noticed. 

The most significant update will take effect on August 2, 2021, at 9AM PT. At this time, the implementation of a knowledge-based-authentication will go live. Members will be prompted to provide confidential answers to questions before accessing the website. This process will involve choosing four of nine possible questions to answer. Once the questions and answers are set, the member will then be able to proceed on the NOVA website as normal. 

On subsequent logins, members will be presented with one of their selected questions,  which will need to be answered correctly before they can log in.

We believe that this second layer of authentication will greatly enhance NOVA's website’s security and appreciate your support as we implement it.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at 

Thank you for your kind attention to this matter!

Best Regards,

Katy Whalen

Director of Operations

 August 01, 2021